Sunday, September 12, 2010

The Author in my Head

Isn't it odd, the way you get a picture in your head of what a particular author would look like... right up until you see a picture online or on a book jacket or something?

For some reason, and I have no idea why, I had this image in my head that Geoff Johns would be some guy in his late thirties, balding slightly, with large glasses and a moustache.

I think my interpretation of what comic book writers/illustrators look like must have been formed in the 80s, and it just hasn't changed since then. Mind you, if you've ever seen a recent picture of Mark Waid, it's kind of hard to think that there's been much change...

He's actually much young, better looking, hairier (on his head) and more clean shaven than the image in my head. That doesn't make him less annoying, though.

Geoff Johns would happily ret-conn the Bible, the Koran and the Tipitaka, if you let him. And Dan DiDio would encourage him.

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